Monday, March 13, 2006

++the girls most normal discussion at mamaks..

one day while chatting over nasi lemak at my house's mamak, miss-I, [one of us], said that she is setting year 2007 as a year to get married. that's her target of life. but, she dont have any candidates [read: kekasih mahupon teman lelaki mahupon kawan lelaki]. bearing that 2007 is so near, she urge us to find her suitable candidates.
another us, miss-S, then said how would you target such things, if yu dont have any candidates? you would probably ending up choosing the wrong person, or, worst, tangkap muat aje. miss-S used to be a life-with-target person that once upon a time, she kompol2 a big amount of money to get married at certain period, but then, her love-life turned disaster and she's frustrated and then she dont biliv in setting up a target to end up her status.

then, in the car, we [me and miss-I] discussed. of how strong that miss-S became now. of how she's now determined with her worklife that one day she'll become someone lah kot in her industry. of how both of us, [me and miss-I] work for fun aje.

eh tak tak, i dun want to talk about miss-S.
its the conversation between us at mamak stall tuh that i want to talk.
of how am i gonna end up.
miss-S said: we have to find someone who loves us, not someone who we love.. we have to be fren with him and then we can share our life with him.. not by setting up a target.
miss-I said: kalo semorang nak org yg sayang kite, bukan yg kite sayang dia, semorang pon tak kawen la nanti.. and whats wrong with setting up a target?
miss-S said: if yu set up a target, takot end up kite nanti main tangkap muat aje nanti.
i said: kalo dah jodoh kite ngan org yg kite tangkap muatkan tuh, ape salahnye, mbe he's the right person? mbe love after marriage is our destiny?
miss-S said: and what if there's no love after marriage?
we said: then, he's not our jodoh. ahahaha. senangnye bercakap.

this kind of conversation, i know, been passing thru all girls my age. the bachelor one.
i cant help feeling the same as miss-I felt, feeling scared. but, what to do, life is life. we never know what we'll get. not until we eventually setting the 'the date'.
but, being someone like miss-S, who waits for a true lover that will become our fren first, then, baru bley kawen same dia, is a danger limit. i dont think thats appropriate.
spread your wings, and prepare to fly.. prepare to fly..
i love zsa zsa zsu feeling.
thank you.

currently listening to: 3rd eye bling - hows it gonna be
currently feeling: scared.


Anonymous said...

dah, bley tak kalau tanak pikir pon. kalau ade, ade la. kalau takde, takde la. life goes on.
penat doh kalau pikir ni. malas dah

bak kate lagu theme charmed,

I am the sun
And the heir
I am human
And I need to be loved
Just like everybody else does
See i've already waited too long
And all my hope is gone.

hh said...

matter of fact, mmg dah selalu dah rase alaa malass aa nak pikir psl jodoh2 nih.. ade jodoh ade, takde jodoh takde.. tapi.. tapi tuh, mmg table lari, kekdg tuh dia dtg je rase cuak tuh tetibe.. especially bile org mcm imah yg bukak topik ni.. ngehehe [sbb aku salu pikir bile aku tak kawen lagi, ala, imah pon blom kawen lagi, ape nak takot ahahahhahahahhaha..]
tepaksele kalo imah kawen aku jadik wanita saiko.

Anonymous said...

where was i during that girls talk ;)) tak suka korang pegi jalan tar tak kabo [-( [tgh fikir calon untuk miss-I :-"]

hh said...

:-" tuhla sape suh dudot salalam.. :-" jan jelesh yeh.. besnyew gi jalan tar lalala beli tudung secare hutang lalala.. besnye berhutang lalala..
[hint calon untuk miss-I, org yg tidak normal]

Anonymous said...

Life is so complicated, but seriously, if u really believe in Allah's plan, u'll be okay.. dun be too depressed otherwise, u might end up living in tense.. ;;) whutever it is, there r somebody out there waitin 4 u.. the time will decide.. hehe ckp mcm senangkan.. nk sedapkn ati sendri gaks.. kwang3x

hh said...

uiks.. dunweri.. the depressed part will come sesekale sahajos. wont effect any of our happy-living-style.. bebile tense tuh, crying out loud with bespren wud help, then, bebile jumpe lagi, kitorg akan menggelak sesame sendiri secare sial. daa~
[ayat contoh: hodoh sial ko nangis!~ sure gelak gegile after that]

Anonymous said...

malu pulak i jadik topic perbualan .. auuuwww...terasa seperti siti nurhaliza lak ..:). Dun worry rexy .. we dun really take thing seriously. itu just one of topic kedai kopi. kalau tak life will be boring..
[my streamyx dah up .. hehehehehe]

Anonymous said...

somehow aku dah agak miss i tuh si timahan .....heheh...aku nak comment gak...tapik aku rase kalo aku comment sure korg perlekehkan aku sbb i am no longer on that side .....papehal pon, kalo korg nak roadtrip jgn lupekan aku yer...sekian terima kasih

Anonymous said...

imahan: bolela blah siti nurhaliza kelapehanggok kaukk moerkh!~
[jeleshnyeeeee stimixxxxxxxxx]

owwek: tarahalll, comment sahajos la dewd. jom owwe kite gi india jom.. backpacking.. jeles plak tgk suri nak gi india. duhhh

Anonymous said...

wawah... terasa terharu menjadi topik perbualan miss-I dan videl masa dlm kete. by the way miss videl, bukan aritu tru the fon masa aku kol ko tgh drive, bukan ke ko agree ngan aku... kwn dulu baru love lagi best drpd love dulu baru kwn. deyyy~~

hh said...

hnm.. agreeing on a frensip b4 love is one thing, putting a limit to that is another big thing. tak patot tak patot. let love be the energy!~
[bideway, stop hiding samtin from me la.penat nak ngorek2 reketokreketok.. nak citer, citerla.. tanak citer jan buat citer.. uik]

naiza said...

terasa cam hangat lak topik perbualan ni.. walaupun aku baca dah lambat..

aku pun rasa target nak kena ada kot.. baru la kite cam aware.. tapi still nak kena prepare gak emotionally kalo masa target tu tak kunjung tiba jugak jodohnye.. tak leh la nak rasa tensen.. nak kena terima gak somehow.. pastu.. kita set target baru..

saya dah bape tahun tersasar dari target daa.. haha.. sib baik stable lagi mentality.. walaupun pada suatu ketika dulu saya dah bersedia menerima kenyataan yang saya mungkin akan jadi anak dara tua.. huwaaa.. nauzubillah..

hh said...

cheh kamu sunggoh lamat, topik ini sudah basi :p
saye tamo mensediakan diri menterime kenyataan yg saye mungkin jadi andartu huhuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu:((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
[rilekla che pah :D]