Thursday, July 20, 2006

++the other day

we quarrelled over things.
one day, we questioned about why people get married.
he said, u see, those rich people [americans], they get married when they were ready enuff to get married, they dun care about age, they established themself strong enuff, and then they'll think of having a family, while our people, they get married because they want to compete each other, they target 25-26, they make sure they will get married that time, to prove it, to compete own friends.
i said, no they werent. they werent even have the glory to compete each other. they just find it, its time, and we should settle down.
he said, u can see your frens, one wedding after another..
i said, menghalalkan yg haram.
he said, no, they want to compete. dot.

ouh rite, i dont even have the right to speak about this. im at my fourteen. :-"

'guys suxx, they make us love them, and then, they hurt us. ' -paris, gilmore girls finaleseason, episode 16.
and when rory gilmore went back to Logan Huntzberger, i was like, she loves him, she loves him no matter what he did. been there.
eh, that is not the end, i havent finished them actually, 3 episodes to go and i am slowing down, i have this weird-ness of 'sayang nye nak habiskan'. heh, who said u r the only weird person in world heh?:D

[and heyy, jess sudah ade his own studio, damn that is cute!]

currently listening to: lifehouse - blind
currently being loved.


Anonymous said...

for me, it is not about competition.i found the right person, and i choose to be with him sampai mati. bukan be setakat being therejek, tp go through suke ke, sedih ke same2.buat ape nak compete dgn org? ape jek yg ko dpt kalo menang pon?org kawin bukan nak menang kalah, kawin tuh tambah la responsibility ko. tambah responsibility tuh menang ke kalah, aku pon tatau doh? aku rase 'org itu' ckp mcm tuh, sbb die tak ready nak ade extra responsibility lagik kot eh?...mcm tak ready and salahkan org lain/sekeliling pon tak betul gak eh?..heheh.....knape aku type pjg gile cam aku emo ...cissss

Anonymous said...

betul la yg tak ready akan memberikan byk alasan....sbb bile dh kawen byk sgt responsibility....
buat pe nk ikut americans..diorg tak yah kawen pon takpe...sbb tak kawen pon mcm org yg dh kawen...

naiza said...

aku setuju juge.. its not a competition or whatsoever.. but i admit bila kengkawan start kawin.. kite mula terasa pressure.. aku memang terpressure.. tapi kite takkan kawin kalo semata2 tanak rasa pressure tu..

kite akan rasa nak kawin bila kite dah rasa ready nak kawin.. ready nak idup selama2nya ngan orang yang kite suka.. ready nak pikul responsibility.. and usually girls selalunye akan rasa ready masa age 25-26 gitu.. in fact aku rasa aku konon2 dah rasa ready masa umur 22 lagi... hahaha.. hanya Dia Yang Esa je tau aku blum ready lagi sebenarnye.. hihihi..

hh said...

owwe: amboi agak panjang juwe, byk bebel kau sedemenjak nih :>, i think what he really means is he wanted life like nasha aziz, enjoy muda, dah tibe mase settled down, he will totally get laid back. no more fun. but i can see all my married-frens are still having fun, don they? [contoh ko: slambe je tinggalkan bj dirumah sementelah ko pegi mentengok dewa19 :-j]. tapi, ade gak contoh my married-frens yg telah bertukar menjadik tidak fun selepas kawen, expecially when the commitment telah melibatkan anak. hnm, he might see it that ways kot.. ntahla :-??

nanako: ituhla pasal. so, my comment about menghalalkan yg haram adalah agak 10% betol tak?

naiza: for me, bile kawan2 bederet2 kawen, i am not pressure of nak kawen gak, but, more to pressure of ending up alone. takot takkan kawen sampai bebile.

**err, i skipped a point in the entry, its when he asked me why i wanna get married, and i said: because i wanna have my own baby, did that counts?

melloyz said...

hahahah .. make baby can do anytime cpah .. hahaha .. but saya rasa ppl get married anytime they ready and met the right person. tanya la balik .. kalau dia mmg dah confirm found the right person why he dun want to get married? whats the reason? the responsibility mmg bertambah but u oso hv someone to share with. Wont it be great? saya rasa org itu sama ada dia "selfcentre" or he has not found the rite person yet. suruh dia tgk cete galdiator masa diorng tgh lawan ngn army caesar. observe betul2 what selfcentre ppl will do....

naiza said...

wah imah udah suruh gi tengok movie pulok..

betul la cpah.. aku pun ter realize yang dedulu aku dok pressure bukan sebab orang lain dok kawin tapi sebab aku tak nampak bayang2 orang yang nak kawin ngan aku and aku cuak bila terpikir yang mungkin selama2nya tader orang nak kat aku pastu sampai ke tua idup sorang2.. huwaaa..

sebenarnye kawin cepat ke lambat kalo happy tak kisah je kan..

hh said...

imahan: who said making baby can do anytime, diden u even scared when people said if u havent had a baby b4 your 30's, u cant get any until end of your days? hnm, wallahualam.
*tetibe nak tgk gladiator, dah lupe cite dia ni*

naiza: itulah tuh, tak kesah la cpt ke lambat, tapi tu lah, bile dah lambat sgt tuh, org mule rase insecure, rase membujang sampai ke tua, tapi sebenanye tak, sebenanye akan ade jodoh, cume belom sampai, woups :-&

melloyz said...

hhaahah .. cpah ni straight btul la.. i maksudkan making baby tak sempat kawin lagi pun ramai dah buat baby :p. Just btul ke salah je .. hehehheh
btw i meant it for jokes .. hahaha :p

hh said...

[-( slambe ckp aku stret b-( debusheddd.
ape ko mepek2 ni, im toking seriyes, u main2 yeh [-(, i lesing u satgi karang, dushed..
**making baby tak sempat kawen means what ek? betol2 making baby sampai dpt anak ke, making baby buat seks je then makan pil tak ngandung? :-"

Anonymous said...

hu hu hu.
and i tot saya la paling weird :P