Tuesday, August 15, 2006

++the wedding date

my frens are crazy :D
laswik, while helping a good fren from my school finishing her wedding-invitation-cards, we talked about siti nurhaliza getting married and stuffs. then, we talked about our future. her wedding will be on 9th september 2006 [9-9-06], bersempena her betday, same date, coincidently, which falls on saturday. i then told her, lucky you, you can have a dabel parteyyy on your betdey-date later later. and now she urges me, why not you get married on your birthday-date? menarek. together, we all browse thru the calender, searching for my birthday, which will falls into saturday or sunday. jeng jeng jeng. 31st december jatuh kepada: the nearest is this year! [and lastyear]. and the next nearest is on 2012!!! ok this year wont hepen lah kan, too soon to find a husband, tapik, 2012 adelah berumor berape tuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh?????
ho ho ho. perbincangan harus ditamatkan. saye ialah sedih lah.

eh tapi takpe, kite ble nikah aje di tarikh betdey, majlis tuh ble buat esoknye, 1st january kan cuti :-", besnye birthdate aku :-"

hey, why not you guys go browse your calender, predict your wedding-date :D.
saje saje buat kelaka sesekale ape salahnye.

argh. lapar fruit salad yg kat dlm fridge :D

currently listening to: lotter - yg berlalu tak berulang
currently feeling: nak teberak.


melloyz said...

emm .. i punya this year n next year.. emm terpaksa la bekerja keras cam gitu .. :p

hh said...

dis year mcm lagi sebulan ek:-??
so, looking forward for next september 2007 8-> [muke berangan makan kenuri kawen imah]
wuiyoooo aku support ko aku support ko!!~ chaiyok imah chaiyok!!
[eh, 2007 is your target anyways kan;)]