Friday, July 21, 2006

++the chopstick

location: chopstick restaurant, bayswater road, London.watching gilmore girls made me craving for a chopstick meals lah. u see, rory and lorelai, they like to eat those in-box foods, nampak sedap, and if u happen to go to london, don miss it, kat bayswater road tuh.
adula.. where ek can i get those kat KL ni? i missed it lah. huks. its coming, my *Ms thingy.

ps: hell, gilmore girls finale season adalah mcm tak finale dan mcm akan bersambung. damn it.
and u, i cried. :)>- that part when rory wake up from bed and logan is departing.

currently listening to: matchbox twenty - 3 am
currently feeling: its 3 am I must be lonely yeyeahh.


Anonymous said...

haaiiyaa..u should eat wif chopstick..baru la real..
ape kate ko memulakan bisnes ituhh the chopstick meals..sudah pasti laku...ehehehhe

hh said...

the problem is nasi dia ialah barai, kalo nasi alala kat johny's tuh takpegak nak gune copstik, yg alala pulut sikit tuh.

jom bisnes ituh, siap ade delivery kan.. hm menareks..

Anonymous said... tau2 baru jer mkn kat chopstick tu kat leicester square (chinatown) last sunday! ermmm, nasiknya tawarr bile campur ngn lauk ayam2nya barula ok la sket! ;;) cam ada instinct plak yuh cam terasa2 nk mamam...hehe

melloyz said...

hahhaha ..nape aku tak miss chopstick ar?? i miss the whole bayswater .. uhuhuhhu

naiza said...

aku pun tak miss chopstick.. haha.. aku rasa sebab aku selalu aje tertipu ngan food die.. nampak gila menarik.. tapi selalunye tak sesedap yang aku imagine.. ayam die suka potong besar2.. banyak lak tu.. tapi mee die bleh tahan gak la..

aku pun rindu BAYSWATER!!

ps: Imah.. ko tak rindu ke pakcik jual ayam kat kedai andalucia tu? hahah.. adeh.. lama tak makan burger daging buat sendrik bersama cheese dan pickles.. enak dimakan di waktu winter.. hihihi

hh said...

londz: nampaknye kite ade chemistry :-j. uuu uuuuu uuuuuuuuu 8-}

imahan&naiza: korang tak miss copstik sbb korang ade byk gile kedai makan halal, whereas kiterang [atau aku sorang kot], mmg tableh memblahkan copstik lah kalo turun landen, butoh weyh butohh.. [memule butoh malaysian hall, tapi sbb ade waiter keji supersombong tuh, tuka arah kepada copstik] :-"